The downtown Salina skyline will look a little different later this week. This Wednesday the new Stiefel spire for the newly built tower will be placed.
According to the Stiefel, the spire will be transported to the site between 8-9am. From 9:30-11am donors and board members are invited to come down and see the spire up close.
From 11 to 12:15/12:30 Ferco will be preparing to hoist and install. Ferco will be bringing in a huge crane for the installation.
At approximately 12:15-12:30 the spire will be placed.
The tower is being rebuilt exactly as it was in 1931. In 1954 lightning caused damage to the upper tiers of our tower, causing the necessary removal of the top layers.
The original tower extended four stories tall and was topped with a neon beacon requiring 200,000 watts of electricity and a fluid cooling system. Thirty recessed lights illuminated the tower.
The public is welcome to come and witness this historic event. People can gather on the streets downtown near the Stiefel to watch.
Important brick repair work is also being done. The construction began in June and will be completed by Christmas.
If you would like to donate to this project please contact the Stiefel or email Jane Gates @
Story credit: KSAL